Friday, April 23, 2010

Could be illegal

I must say that even when I was younger and living in Tucson, I didn't like the way that McCain was handling the immigration situation. It just doesn't seem right to put up a huge physical boarder.

Check out this link to

Not my Finger!

This is just unfortunate.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 7

So here I am, it has been one week. One week since I have had meet of any sort, and I don't feel that different.

I have been lifting and practicing all as usual nothing has really changed that much when it comes to my stamina while in practice, or in the weight room.

The one thing that gets me though, is the fact that I feel like I get hungry a lot sooner after a meal. When I was eating meet I could have three meals a day and be fine. Without the meet I feel like I have to constantly eat to keep my stomach quiet. I wonder why that is exactly.

I drink a lot more water. I mean like almost twice as much before I started this diet. I feel like I should have it coming out of my ears, but it all stays in.

I was in pretty bad shape last week when it came to having ideas of what I was going to eat, or make that is. I knew that I couldn't just have smoothies and soup, so I got some recipes from my mom. She gave me her ancient awesome recipe to make my favorite, broccoli soup, also some money (that was needed) to go and purchase the ingredients. Thanks mom. Hopefully I can make it sometime this week.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 2 Part 2

So I am at the end of my day, and I am feeling different. I have done a minimal amount of physical activity today, just practice, no lifting; I didn't eat as much as I should have, so I feel like I have less energy. I had cereal for breakfast, a salad for lunch, my protein shake, and some couscous with peaches. Think I am going to step it up tomorrow and make some Mac N' Cheese like mom makes it.

Going to have to shop this weekend. I do have some boca burgers still though, gonna have to use those somehow.

Day 2

I just wanted to post this link to an article and graphic that I am keeping in mind with every meal so far.

Trying to make sure that I do this smart, don't want to lose my hair faster than Mike Zimmerman.
Sorry Mike.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 1

I woke up a vegetarian. I had a simple meal, it was some Kashi "strawberry fields" cereal. It was a good way to start the day off.

My big hurdle for today though was giving blood. It has been about 2 years since I have donated blood and I was worried about how my body was going to recover from this. I took in about a gallon of water over the course of the day to help the process. Something worth noting while I was giving blood, I witnessed a girl that passed out. She was talking to me just a few minutes before, and she finished giving blood, then I saw her face go pale and neck go limp. First time I had ever seen anything like that. She was ok a couple minutes later.

For lunch I had some cheese pizza, and an apple.

I had practice at 2pm that included a lot of running today, so I didn't really feel to great, I am sure that was because of donating blood. I made it through practice, had an hour off then had to go hit. Hitting went fine, once again I am pretty sure that my body was a little slower because of the missing pint of blood. I actually worked out as well, right after hitting. I felt just fine lifting, felt like I had all of the energy I needed.

Dinner was couscous with some peaches, and lightly sauced potatoes with some onions. It tasted very good. Made me full. I like to eat good food. I capped the night off with some cheesecake that my girlfriend so graciously gave me for valentine's day. Thank You Quinn.

I must say I did have trouble not eating pepperoni pizza today. it was offered to me and I almost slipped up because I was not thinking as a vegetarian. So I am going to have to work on keeping my mind involved in making these eating decisions.

Let's see how I feel on day 2.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Coming soon...Vegetarian

So a while back, I believe it was in august, I was approached by my good friends Sara Tall and Anna Mullen. They told my buddy Colton and I that they were going to try going vegan for 40 days. They asked us if we would want to try going vegetarian for 40 days. We accepted enthusiastically.

Now, Colton and I being baseball players wanted to know when exactly we would be doing this, and when we were informed that it would be during lent, we both started a cold sweat. We were thinking about how it would effect our body and performance. We do workout and have practice everyday, so we don't want to lose anything physically, but we did still agree to try it.

Well, on Monday I let Colton know that we start our new vegetarian diet on Wednesday, the 17th or this coming Wednesday. Colton replied, "I don't think I'm going to do it man." I was mad that he decided to back out on this and let him know. He may still want to participate, but probably not.

Anyway, I have been getting ready for this day. I have been eating boca burgers, more veggies, granola, soy milk, pastas, salads, smoothies, you name it. I am going to try and be a vegetarian for 40 days, that means no meat for me at all, not even fish. I plan on making this a great learning experience not only for myself, but all of the people reading this blog.

I will blog as much as my schedule allows me. I plan on sharing with you what I have been eating, how I feel both mentally and physically, and if it really sucks being a vegetarian or if it is the best thing that ever happened to me.

So my first day already poses a nice start, I am going to give blood, have practice and lift. Plus all of the homework that has to be finished as well.

Here I go.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I was elected to lead, not to read

There have been and will be a ton of people who will step into managing positions. I myself have done this recently, as the station manager of KFKX, but this has not been the only time that I have been considered the head honcho of a group of people. I mean in High School I was the football captain and was involved student government, I was an example, I would like to believe.

I have always been a leader by example. I am not saying that I have always been successful, just saying that is how I do it. Really when I think about the job that I am doing I always think of what I can do to make myself and the people around me better.

Over my Christmas break I was at home and got to enjoy being with my family and seeing friends, but and I know that this is going to sound so stereotypical little boy of me, but I really was glad to see my dad. So many things come to mind when I think about dad, but while at home we had a really good conversation that must have lasted about 5 hours. We had just played racquetball, he killed me. After racquetball however, he took me out to lunch, so we hit a Subway to get some grub. Once we had our meal we got to talking; you know father son time. Anyway, my dad has been a school superintendent in Center, Colorado for the better part of 14 years and there does not seem to be any signs of that changing anytime soon.

I asked him what he does to manage all of those people. Now, the words that he told me next I am going to remember forever. My old man told me that he surrounds himself with good managers, good people, then he leads them.

At first I thought well you manage all of those people. He kinda sounded like Jesus when he told me "I show them the way." I know my dad is not the reincarnated son of God, but damn is he noble. I got to ponder that for the whole break and still do, but this is my rendition of leadership now.

If I can show the people that work with me that working with me will lead them to new heights then that is what it is all about. Not just making sure that a person gets a project done, but inspire them to do more. This may very well be a chain reaction or domino effect; if I do things inspired then perhaps others will be inspired by me and others by them and so on. I am not claiming that I am going to change the world or every person that comes into contact with me like Captain Planet, or maybe that was a bad example. You get the gist though right?

It's not about managing, because that can just ensure that everything will be the same. You have to lead and inspire, because once someone has caught the inspiration bug there is no telling where or how far they will go.
